Download & Installation

/Download & Installation


CryoFLARE is licenses under the GNU General Public License

Binary Download and Installation

Fedora 30

The Fedora binary is dynamically linked against the Qt5 libraries, which have to be installed first:

dnf install qt5-qtbase qt5-qtbase-gui qt5-qtcharts qt5-qtscript

Download cryoflare_1.8_Fedora30.tgz. The CryoFLARE binary doesn't have to be installed. You can unpack it into any directory using the following command:

tar xf cryoflare_1.8_Fedora30.tgz

Centos 7

The Centos binary is statically linked against the Qt5 libraries and therefore does not need them to be installed.


Download cryoflare_1.8_Centos7.tgz. The CryoFLARE binary doesn't have to be installed. You can unpack it into any directory using the following command:

tar xf cryoflare_1.8_Centos7.tgz

Installation from source

Getting the source code

You can either download the source code from here and then unpack it with

tar xf cryoflare_<VERSION>.tgz

or you can get the latest release of CryoFLARE from github using git:

git clone cryoflare


CryoFLARE depends on Qt5, which has to be installed before compiling CryoFLARE.
The following Qt5 components together with their development packages are needed: core, gui, xml, charts, widgets, sql, script, network, printsupport

Building from source

CryoFLARE uses gmake for configuration. For building CryoFLARE you will need to create a build-directory in which the code will be compiled. You can configure and build cryoflare using the following commands:

cd cryoflare
mkdir build
cd build
qmake ../src/


As set of processing scripts we use in our facility can be downloaded from here: scripts.tgz.